This is an automated email from Installatron. To unsubscribe from these emails or to change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the Installatron tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify. The update process for Davčna blagajna located at has succeeded. New installed version: WordPress 5.8.3 End […]
Arhiv avtorja: Jure Svazic
This is an automated email from Installatron. To unsubscribe from these emails or to change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the Installatron tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify. The backup process for Davčna blagajna located at has succeeded. /home/davcnablagajna/application_backups/app_xn--davnablagajna-rvb-si_Dav–na-blagajna_2022-01-07_06-23-36.tar.gz Backup size: 17.52MB To use […]
This is an automated email from Installatron. To unsubscribe from these emails or to change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the Installatron tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify. The update process for Davčna blagajna located at has succeeded. New installed version: WordPress 5.8.2 End […]
This is an automated email from Installatron. To unsubscribe from these emails or to change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the Installatron tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify. The backup process for Davčna blagajna located at has succeeded. /home/davcnablagajna/application_backups/app_xn--davnablagajna-rvb-si_Dav–na-blagajna_2021-11-12_00-22-53.tar.gz Backup size: 17.52MB To use […]
This is an automated email from Installatron. To unsubscribe from these emails or to change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the Installatron tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify. An update to Limit Login Attempts Reloaded 2.23.2 is now available for the WordPress installations you are […]
This is an automated email from Installatron. To unsubscribe from these emails or to change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the Installatron tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify. An update to Akismet Anti-Spam 4.2.1 is now available for the WordPress installations you are managing using […]
This is an automated email from Installatron. To unsubscribe from these emails or to change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the Installatron tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify. WordPress v5.8.1 has been installed to: Administrator Username: matic Administrator Email: Login to your […]
This is an automated email from Installatron. To unsubscribe from these emails or to change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the Installatron tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify. The backup process for Davčna blagajna located at has failed and the details of the failure […]
This is an automated email from Installatron. To unsubscribe from these emails or to change notification settings, login to your web hosting control panel, navigate to the Installatron tool, and select the installed applications you wish to modify. The update process for Davčna blagajna located at has failed and the details of the failure […]